Sunday, December 27, 2009

Vielä vähän tätä vuotta...

Tämä blogin pitäminen on jäänyt lähes täysin - eikä varmaan juuri kukaan täällä enää vierailekaan, kun ei luettavaa ole ollut. Mutta kirjoittelen nyt kuitenkin, tässä vähitellen menneisyyteen nilkuttelevien joulunpyhien päätteeksi. Huomennahan on taas aika mennä töihin.

Edellisen merkinnän jälkeen on tapahtunut paljon ja samalla ei mitään. Ehkä juuri siksi, että itselle merkittävät, tapahtuvat asiat ovat niiiiiiin henkilökohtaisia ja syvältä koskettavia, ei tule julkaistua ajatuksiaan. Ei kaikkea kuitenkaan voi jakaa kenelle vaan.

Pidän täällä itse itselleni peukkuja ja käsiä kainaloita myöten ristissä, että joskus lähitulevaisuudessa alkaisi aika, jolloin jaksaisin kirjoittaa enemmän. Aika, joka liikuttelisi sisimmässä ajatuksia, joiden julkituleminen olisi mielekästä...

Mutta nyt se aika ei vielä ole tässä.


Mutta silti vielä eräs juttu.

Olimme Roopen kanssa jouluaattona pukkina ja muorina kiertämässä muutamassa kodissa. Yleensä pukki näkee vain yltäkylläisyyden täyttämiä koteja. Meillä oli etuoikeus nähdä pari muunkin kaltaista, sellaista, missä taloudellisista syistä ei yleensä pukkia käy... ... ... Tulin kosketetuksi syvältä.

Joulu on epäreilu. Onneksi Joulun Sanoma ei sitä ole, vaan on tasavertainen kaikille.

Siunattua päivää sinulle, joka tämän ehkä sittenkin kävit lukemassa.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My stamps/leimasimet

I finally got my stamps photographed - just to make sure I know what I have. :) It was sad to realize that I have lost some of them on the way while lending them to various people... Always should write down who borrows what, so that they'd all return... ... ...

Elipäs kuvasin leimasimeni. Kauan olen sen aikonut tehdä, mutta tekemättä on jäänyt. Surullista oli huomata, että osa leimasimista on jäänyt lainausmatkoillaan sille tielleen. Erityisesti jäin kaipaamaan kirjamia, jotka kuuluvat omistamaani numerosettiin. *Huokaus* No, nyt nämä ovat tässä ja tästä lähtien otan "tämä lainasi nämä"-valokuvat ihmisistä ennen kuin leimasimet lähtevät minnekään. :D

Jos joku haluaa tehdä leimakuvavaihtoja, niin voipi rohkeasti ottaa yhteyttä.

Those who attended our wedding might remember the hugging dalmatians. :) And on this photo there are those numbers that lack their alpha nowadays...

These clear ones are bought from Tiimari:

The alpha and the different animals that are stamped on the paper are stamps I bought from LIDL. As you can see from the animals, the quality is not too good... However, these ones I do not mind letting visiting kids have to play with.

The large cup is my favorite stamp. I have made quite a few of such cards where the cup is samped on the front on a separate piece of paper and then cut open so that it forms a pocket. A single-packed teabag is then slipped half-way in and some suitable text added.

My ½ of a set we ordered with a friend to split it.

Some cute stuff, mostly from the time I still studied at CTS. Tina Twedell taught me (and many others) the art of stamping and was the person who aided us to order our own stamps from the States. Some of the stamps are from Finland, however.

Large ones here... as you can see, I have used some of the blocks to make "stamps" of my own to some projects... I adore the Ark. :)

Tiimari had these foam ones for sale. For 40 cents I just had to buy them!

A few more quite large stamps again. The one in the middle right is the one that had the tree on the other side. I really liked the envelope stamp on the catalogue, but it has proven to be a hard-to-use.

Little foamstamps that I found in a small shop in Brussels, Belgium. Long time ago. And on the top right, a very tiny Hello Kitty-stamp. :)

Stitches-stamps that came with a magazine...

Travel- kit I REALLY like and have used for many various things.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Tämän tein tänään - veljen lapsille lähtee. (Älkääs näyttäkö tätä niille vielä!!) Pitäisi vain saada kuvat joko laminoitua tai päällystettyä kontaktimuovilla ennen lähettämistä... Tai, no, rehellisyyden nimissä on sanottava, että PUSSI on ihan IKEAsta ostettu, mutta kortit tein itse ja lorut hain joko netistä, omista varastoistani ja jonkun jopa riimittelin aivan itse.

Paljon muutakin kivaa olen lomalla väsännyt - saimme nimittäin vihdoinkin askarteluhuoneeni käyttökuntoon (valmis se ei ole vieläkään...)! Repäistiin se samalla vauhdilla kuin edellisen asuntomme remontti vedettiin loppuun... Nyt siellä on muuten sitten vihdoinkin vuokralaiset. Ihmeiden aika ei siis sittenkään ole ohi. :D Laitan kuvia siitä rempasta tässä joku päivä - onpahan ihmeteltävää teille, jotka sen kämpän joskus olette nähneet. Sitä ei nimittäin meinaa samaksi uskoa.

Lomasta on viimeinen viikko menossa ja Roope sopivasti kuumeessa sen kunniaksi - pakkolepoa siis. Näin se on sitten yksi kesäloma lusittu ja seuraavaa jo odotellaan... ... ... ...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Too long...

I admit, I should have been updating the blog more often. I bet everyone and anyone who ever used to drop by has stopped doing so... :/ But here I am anyway. Maybe people will find their way back.

Let me make a quick wrap-up.

Lotta, had five lovely puppies on March 3.. Everything went well and four of the dogs have found a new home. We kept one and chose that one only by the looks right after birth. She is the crazy one... Lesson learned? Yup, do not judge only by the looks. :D

I had my wrist (canalis carpi) operated just before summer. It is a million times better now and whatever pain is left, the medicines help for that. It still is not perfectly well, but I am more than happy with it.

Summer has gone by. We have had some lovely visitors. Including my mom and her "boyfriend", my dad and his wife, my cousin with her children and our aunt, and Kaisu - my dear friend. Of course there has been many others, however they are not that rarely seen, so I do not mention them now.

AND even if the summer in most parts is over, here comes great news (I think): today was the second day of my (and Roope's) SUMMER HOLIDAY. Yippee! We have too many things we need to get done and too many people we should see and too little time to do it all... however, it is the holiday and I really was in the need of one.

To end this post, let me add a scrap book page. It is NOT made by me, but I took it out of Scrapbook Flair. A person called Broody Hen has made it. But my heart screamed "YES" to the message.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It has been a nice day today; we've had some friends visiting. First, Lasse Niskala, Roope's very good friend is staying with us for the weekend. He is a great photographer and he took some pics of our animals. The photos on this post are taken by him. (take a look at some of his phenomenal photos HERE )

Then Roope had his bass-student over and his mom came to have a chat and a cup of coffee in the meanwhile. They are our neighbours and have stables with 14 (I think that's correct number) Islandic Horses. She is really nice and it was fun having her over.

In the evening a whole family of friends joined us; Suvi and Jussi came over with they daughters Ronja and Meeri. Sauna, friends, and a good meal - can you think of a better way to spend your Friday evenings? :)

So, today has been "nothing much and quite a lot" at the same time.

Other than today... well... it has been work work work and some studies. I am getting my studies done in schedule, visited doctor's yesterday and am waiting for an operation for my right hand wrist. AND have only three more night sifts before my winter holiday! That is something to look forwards!

One more thing... Lotta will have puppies. On the March 8 th is the due date. So that is exciting!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

She has gone home

The new year of 2009 has barely began - and already both joy and sorrow have been a part of it... I guess, that's what life is all about...

One of the most amazing (is not "the most") women of God I have ever known and met has moved on from this world to the next one, to meet her Lord and Savior. She battled with ALS for 18 months, shared her heart with the world in her blog, and finally moved on, leaving behind many thankful and grieving hearts. Her blog is well worth reading, if you haven't done so yet!