Elipäs kuvasin leimasimeni. Kauan olen sen aikonut tehdä, mutta tekemättä on jäänyt. Surullista oli huomata, että osa leimasimista on jäänyt lainausmatkoillaan sille tielleen. Erityisesti jäin kaipaamaan kirjamia, jotka kuuluvat omistamaani numerosettiin. *Huokaus* No, nyt nämä ovat tässä ja tästä lähtien otan "tämä lainasi nämä"-valokuvat ihmisistä ennen kuin leimasimet lähtevät minnekään. :D
Jos joku haluaa tehdä leimakuvavaihtoja, niin voipi rohkeasti ottaa yhteyttä.
Those who attended our wedding might remember the hugging dalmatians. :) And on this photo there are those numbers that lack their alpha nowadays...

These clear ones are bought from Tiimari:

The alpha and the different animals that are stamped on the paper are stamps I bought from LIDL. As you can see from the animals, the quality is not too good... However, these ones I do not mind letting visiting kids have to play with.
The large cup is my favorite stamp. I have made quite a few of such cards where the cup is samped on the front on a separate piece of paper and then cut open so that it forms a pocket. A single-packed teabag is then slipped half-way in and some suitable text added.

My ½ of a set we ordered with a friend to split it.

Some cute stuff, mostly from the time I still studied at CTS. Tina Twedell taught me (and many others) the art of stamping and was the person who aided us to order our own stamps from the States. Some of the stamps are from Finland, however.

Large ones here... as you can see, I have used some of the blocks to make "stamps" of my own to some projects... I adore the Ark. :)

Tiimari had these foam ones for sale. For 40 cents I just had to buy them!

A few more quite large stamps again. The one in the middle right is the one that had the tree on the other side. I really liked the envelope stamp on the catalogue, but it has proven to be a hard-to-use.

Little foamstamps that I found in a small shop in Brussels, Belgium. Long time ago. And on the top right, a very tiny Hello Kitty-stamp. :)

Stitches-stamps that came with a magazine...

Travel- kit I REALLY like and have used for many various things.

Nämä herättävät monia ihania muistoja :) Eräänkin kerran on istuttu askartelu tarvikkeiden keskellä iltahämärissä
Oisipa teleporttaali sinne sun askartelutupaan, niin olisipa mukava väsätä kortteja joku iltapäivä! Ja saisin tavata myös Roopen, sekä teidän koira-hauvelit, hevoset ja sen tosi kaunissilmäisen aasin!!!
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