Sunday, November 16, 2008

Is it Christmas already?

Already for a few weeks the shops have been bringing out Christmas stuff. It seems like every year that happens earlier and earlier. In my opinion, it just wears all the fun out of Christmas. Byt the time Christmas is here, everyone (except the little children) is tired of it!

Tonight, at work, I had to make invitations for our Christmas celebration and ended up roaming through some old pics because of that. I found a photo of a manger- setting I had put up last Christmas here at work. It reminded me of the nights I stood up, when children were sleeping, and watched the dim light of the manger. I was quite pleased with the setting back then - and still do think that the ray of light highlights the idea wery well...

And I began thinking it over. No, never could I be tired of CHRISTmas! It is an important part of the Greatest Story of all times - about how God chose to seek and find us, the lost. If only it could be possible to keep one's mind on the Main Thing, and not to be distracted to believe it was all about spending money and stressing about "having it right"!

This year, for the third time, we will spend our Christmas at work with Roope. And I am glad we do! Because it is not about what we can GET out of it, but what we can GIVE. And the most important thing to give is not the presents but presence!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aivan IHANA kuva!!!!

Eikä huolta, ystävä hyvä ;) meillä kiidetään kontaten, neliveto päällä liukkaasti paikasta toiseen nykyään.