Thursday, April 10, 2008

Well... well... Hello!

It has been a while since I wrote in English... I wonder if you all whom I know from my non-Finnish-speaking life have already totally disappeared...

Things in our life are advancing. Some things we thought could never happen, seem to come to pass even we have not been able to work for their advance. An unexpected turn took place in our life and it seems like we MIGHT be able to move to our new house in a few month's time... Maybe. :) I have been disappointed so many times that I dare not even THINK, far less say out loud, that it actually WOULD happen... Well.. however, I just might have to admit that it is possible that God still does and works miracles... LOL

Last night I had a night sift. Quite enjoyable for once; I have been supervicing a student - whom I happen to know from the time I was I youth pastor! She was among the youth group back then and has grown into a beautiful, smart and capable young lady. It is so true, as my mother often says, "Teachers teach, yet the children learn anyway"... (my mom was a teacher herself) We had nice time together, chatted and shared about the past years we have not been in contact, played brain-games in the net and finished painting the furniture for the kids' dolls' house. Oh, and yes, we did also all the chores that are part of the nightsift.

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