Saturday, January 19, 2008

Another day gone by...

The day was mainly work... I came home about 6.30 PM and then we left for friends' house. They moved to Lapua just about a week ago. (Too bad I did not start this blog a bit earlier - I could have bragged about how we cleaned up the whole apartment before they moved in...) Suvi had made some really good food (THANKS!!) and I loved especially the turnip slices.

Suvi's husband, Jussi, is one of Roope's best friends - and in the same band with Roope ( Their younger daughter, Meeri Mimosa, is our God-daughter. She is six months old now - having been born two months early. I need to check with the parents if it's ok to post a picture of her here...

This "God-child"-thing in our lives never stops amazing me. Let me share a bit about this.

First, my brother and his wife asked me to be the other of their son's (the first of their children) God-mother back when Roope was not part of my life. I had to join back into the Lutheran church so that I could accept the honor. Funny thing is that I was allowed to join even I told straight forward that this was the only reason for joining and that I would leave church afterwards... Some say I am too honest, but it seems to work. :)

My second God-daughter is the first we share with Roope. We actually got to know her when she was three years old. She has not been baptized as a baby and had no-one chosen as God-parents. However, when she talked with her friends at daycare, she told everyone that we are her God-parents. :) How could we have not accepted such a request (demand...?)?

This third one then... she had her dedication past and gone already when Suvi and Jussi started to talk with each other that they should have asked someone to be her God-parents. (great communication here, friends!!! LOL) So they asked us and we gladly accepted.

To make a long story short, we are blessed with these three God-children and feel privileged. And the thing that never stops amazing me - how do people want us to be such important adults in their children's lives?

About the pic... The little guy in my arms is my nephew and Godson, Mikko. - - - and I am too lazy to edit the pic and remove the white background... :)

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