Sunday, January 20, 2008

Oooh... how I wish I could tell EVERYONE a few selected things that really annoy me!!! Unfortunately I have signed a contract that I will not tell ANYone, so I just have to keep silent. :) Surely you understood that something at work BOTHERS me... but that is all I can say. If you just knew!!! :D

So, I cannot tell you what this is all about, but surely I can share this FEELING... You know, sometimes it feels like one should do everything by oneself, so that things could go fine. It never stops amazing me how unfair people are to each other, to those with whom we should be on the same side. I just hate to see dishonesty and guilt-finding, when there is no reason for that, really.

Oh, do not get me wrong. I really DO like to work where I do. I cannot think of any other place where I'd rather work (only if I was REALLY rich, I would have a few ideas what else to do...), however people are people even there... And if you INSIST honesty, I must admit (even if I do not like to do so) that I am no saint either.

Well, to kick this to the lighter side, let me ask you to take a look at a scrapbook page. I do not know who has the rights for the photo, but I just loved it - and felt I HAD to make a page with a childhood joke on it...

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